Skyrim Romance Mod Update 11/10/2014
Hello Everyone, Thank you so much for your comments and your words of support! I'm writing to give you a updated on the progress of the mod, since I am very excited for the release as well! It's not going [...]
Hello Everyone, Thank you so much for your comments and your words of support! I'm writing to give you a updated on the progress of the mod, since I am very excited for the release as well! It's not going [...]
Frequently asked questions 1) Will this mod interfere with any other mods? Answer: So far NO mods interfere with this mod, this mod works with all the mods tested with it. 2) Do you need a clean save to play [...]
I have decided to make an add-on that will allow you to have sex in Skyrim! This isn't going to be one of those let's have sex with everyone mods. This is going to be tied with the relationship [...]
Hello Everyone, New images have been added to the Photos! Feel free to come check them out in the link below!
Hello Everyone, Thank you so much for your support and encouraging words! The mod is coming along quickly and is already being tested for bugs and errors. Our proof reader Elizabeth Warden is doing an amazing job overviewing all of [...]
Hey Everyone, Great news! I have permission from Omegared99 and Patobeck to use their amazing custom armor for Bishop in Skyrim Romance Mod!!!
Hey Guys, I have posted a short youtube video of Bishop answering a question from the Dragonborn! I will paste the link below! Have a great day! Mara
Hello Everyone! I just added 6 more images to our Photos. Click on the Photo tab to view them! Have a great day, Mara
Hello Everyone, I have added a few audio soundcloud links for some of the characters in the About page let me know what you think! ~Mara
First fan art for the mod! This comic is gold!!!