11 03, 2017

Skyrim Romance 2.0 is now in Portuguese

By |2017-03-11T00:08:14-06:00March 11th, 2017|Uncategorized|

Exciting news!!!  It’s always a delight when Skyrim Romance is translated into another new language so more people around the world can enjoy the mod!  My friend, Maiara de Mattos, has now translated the mod into Portuguese. Her hard work and [...]

5 03, 2017

Skyrim Romance Animated 3.0 Update

By |2017-03-05T22:30:51-06:00March 5th, 2017|Uncategorized|

Hello Everyone! Mara here!  I decided it was time for an update, I've been so busy beta-testing the mod.  This has been such a long journey for me and I appreciate the support from everyone I have been given through [...]

15 02, 2017

Karnwyr Reborn – Creative Journey

By |2017-03-01T19:54:27-06:00February 15th, 2017|Uncategorized|

Good Afternoon Everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day!  I wanted to show everyone one of my latest projects.  Karnwyr Reborn! So this project started a few weeks ago I was reviewing all of the permissions in [...]

14 02, 2017

Happy Valentine’s Day! Submit Your Art!

By |2017-02-14T09:19:14-06:00February 14th, 2017|Uncategorized|

I hope everyone's day is filled with love, friendship and happiness.  To celebrate the day of love feel free to submit your screenshots, drawings, painting, and graphics of your favorite Skyrim Romance characters on this forum topic: https://skyrimromance.com/forums/topic/valentines-day/ With Love, Skyrim Romance [...]

3 02, 2017

Cael Cosplay Photoshoot

By |2017-02-03T20:13:08-06:00February 3rd, 2017|Uncategorized|

I just want to say WOW! Connor you do an amazing Cael.  Check out more of his work here! Www.facebook.com/calamity.cosplays Instagram: @calamitycosplays Twitch: www.twitch.tv/calamitycosplays/ Twitter: @CalamityConnor         LONG LIVE THE CHIEF!!!!!!  

2 01, 2016

Upgrading The Website

By |2017-01-15T03:04:46-06:00January 2nd, 2016|Fun Announcement, Uncategorized, Updates|

As you may have noticed, there are some changes popping up. We're overhauling the website to be more oriented towards the community that has been created in these comment sections and expand it entirely. That means friends, messaging, profiles, likes, [...]

19 11, 2015

Skyrim Stability Guide (quick version)

By |2017-01-15T03:04:47-06:00November 19th, 2015|Uncategorized|

Hi again everyone! I figured that in order to give everyone the best possible experience with SRM once it's launched I will write a small tweak guide and explain a few caveats that might be good to know. I know, [...]

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