Once again, SRM team has been hard at work for our beloved community! We have been diligently been keeping an ear out for all of your suggestions and desires as we have worked carefully to bring you the latest SR update. It has been a long time coming, but we are extremely excited to announce that a new iteration of Skyrim Romance for original Skyrim is ready for beta testing! The updates for version 3.2 will include new heads for the mannequins in the Jewel as well as all the dresses properly displayed, a remodeled Baby Julian sling to be worn by Bishop and the Dragonborn, and a new crib for Baby Julian in the Honeymoon Cottage that appears at the birth scene and is disabled once he is aged into a child!

We are also thrilled to announce that the highly anticipated Clean Version of the mod is also ready for beta testing. In addition to the other updates provided in 3.2, the Clean Version is no longer SexLab dependent and all of the original mod’s sex scenes will now fade to black.

If you are interested in beta testing either of these mods, please contact the SRM team at beta@skyrimromance.com and remember to specify which version of the mod you wish to test. Beta testers will be required to have experience with how the romance works to ensure a successful test.

We hope you will help us test this new update so we can officially share it with the community!

Article by Red
Editing by Rana
Cover art by Ithel