Hello everyone! Today we have a preview video to share with you all, one that shows off some of the outstanding progress that has been made on the Raven of the Reach mod.

This video showcases various aspects of the mod such as the ethereal dance animations, all the new textured models for various creatures added to the game, jaw-dropping interiors, weapons, and so much more! 

It also features an interaction with Cael in the beautiful forests as well as two brief appearances of Eshne and Anu. It even shows off some of the new interiors and exteriors as well as the Rudahan tribal celebration dances. There is so much to see in this video that our amazing team has worked so incredibly hard on to help really bring this project to life for everyone to enjoy, and yet this is still only a small glimpse into all that the Raven of the Reach mod will have to offer.

Get a glimpse into the atmospheric landscapes of the reach and get to meet a few of the many diverse and unique characters that you will encounter throughout the story by watching this video for yourself just below:

Blogger: Aimee Goldie

Editor: Werewolfgirl19

Cover Art by D.D & Mara