Good afternoon everyone! I am really pleased to announce our Lead Writer and Lead Voice Actor Chris has completed writing the Main Quest for Raven of the Reach! After a handful of team meetings with hours spent discussing ending details and ideas, the writing for the Main Quest is now completed! I’m so proud of Chris for completing such a huge task, I’m very grateful for the dedication he’s shown the mod and this community. The Raven of the Reach mod has been a labor of love for us. After seeing the entire mod from start to finish it’s a blessing and gives me peace in my heart to see such a perfect ending. The adventures, horrors, romance, tragedy and drama throughout the mod weaves together a beautiful story of life, loss and healing. There are many important lessons to be learned and experienced through the mod that are told through the rich storyline, characters and experiences the player will face.

I don’t want to give away too much, so I’ll keep it a bit secretive until the release of the mod itself. I look forward to sharing more about the thought process behind the mod. I’ve been careful not to reveal too much! I know a lot of you have asked when this mod is going to be coming out and currently we don’t have a release date. Though the writing is complete there is still a lot of work to be done, especially on my side. The modding part requires hours and hours of putting together the quests, dialogue, scenes, characters, locations and scripts. I’ve been spending at least an hour a day on the mod and trying to make up for any time I miss over the weekend. Work has been crazy, and lately I’ve been working the hardest I have in my entire life. I have been feeling exhausted lately and have been resting as much as I can. I am sorry I haven’t been on Discord very much, I have been spending all my extra time working on the mod.

I didn’t get to wish all of you a Thanksgiving so, I hope you all had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving! I am thankful for such a kind and supportive community and each one of you has given me encouragement through your support. I am so thankful for the excitement you have for this project and your patience! You all have been really patient and I know that this mod is taking quite a lot of time, but you have hung in there with us throughout our journey, through the rough patches, mountains and the green pastures. I am very committed to you and this project. All of your kind words are appreciated and treasured in my heart.

Thank you for all your support,


Featured Image by Mara & Crown by Sunsky & Outfit Concept by Maki and 3D modeled by Caliente