Good evening friends! Wow it has been some time since my last blog post, thank you for your patience. I hope you are all doing good and I hope you all are having a great start to your year. A little update about me, I took a break over Christmas and recharged for the New Year. Then I was back modding Raven of the Reach with lots of energy and drive. Taking breaks is so important for the creative process and I encourage anyone who is creative to always cultivate and nurture your inspiration and wellbeing. If you have to take time for yourself it’s OKAY, things will get done eventually and no need to be hard on yourself.
It’s hard to adopt these words with so many looking forward to this mod and wanting it to be released already. But I realize over the years how important it is not to rush things and enjoy the process. I have to remind myself all the time not to stress about things and just get it done at an easy doable pace. So remember to always take care and be kind to yourself.
Now that we’re talking about creative inspiration here! I suddenly want to share with anyone out there who is inspired to create. Whether that be music, art, video games, writing, anything that you feel passionate about and you feel a calling about. I want to encourage you to always pursue your dreams, your passions and to express yourself. When you express yourself, do it from the joy and pure inspiration from your being and don’t let anything get in the way of your goals.
Coming from so much experience myself, I understand putting yourself and your creation out there is hazardous. You are exposed to criticism for your content and judged for missteps and mistakes and it can drive anyone crazy. But don’t be afraid and don’t limit your creativity! Just let it shine and you are brave enough to put yourself and your creations out there. Do it for you, your own joy and accomplishment. If someone judges you, it’s okay maybe it’s just not for them, they got other tastes or think differently than you. I believe we should respect and celebrate our differences. It’s okay to be unique and stand out from the rest. I want to share with you guys one of my favorite quotes by Theodore Roosevelt.

How amazing, right?!
It’s okay to fail and spend your time for a worthy cause and it might just set you on a path of amazing achievements! But even if you didn’t make it, well at least you dared greatly and that takes a lot of courage. Don’t give yourself a hard time. Don’t give up on your dreams.
Well thank you for reading my diary inspiration for today. In other news about Raven of the Reach. The writers are working on a few special new encounters for the Dragonborn. Our Lead Writer is inspired and feeling creative to expand a bit more into the original Skyrim quests involving Forsworn. I won’t give away too many details, so that it’s more of a surprise for later.
I’m currently sticking to our main SRM discord – Raven of the Reach channel chat. I’ve been sharing most of my updates there and I encourage those interested to join and check out the latest updates there. In case you don’t use Discord I will continue to update when I can here so you don’t feel left out. I have been making great improvements on the first 50% playthrough of the mod. That includes bug testing the dialogue, quests, locations and conditions. I’ve got a pretty lengthy list to fix up for the mod and allow it to have it’s first 50% playthroughs with team members, that is my goal for these next coming months. The mod still has a ways to be developed on my side, but I am committed to building a solid base to keep expanding the quests and the storyline.
I hope you have a wonderful evening and take care! – Mara
Enjoy the latest screenshots below!