Hello everyone! We hope you’re doing well and enjoying your summer. Because of the wonderful events we’ve been hosting, we know we’ve been having a blast. The turnout has been great! We are so happy to see everyone interacting so amazingly with each other and having such fun. The energy you all continue to bring to us and each other is invigorating and the positive spirits you all have imbue our home with such endless warmth, love, and friendship. We are so grateful for that and we cannot wait to have many more summers – and years – with that same spirit and vitality. With that desire in mind, we have some very special announcements to make that will enable our community to continue flourishing and being a terrific home for us all. Please read below for those announcements by our Head Administrator, Mara, and Co-Administrator TyroScribe!

A special letter from Mara

Dear Skyrim Romance Modding Community Family,

I hope you guys are doing good! I know we are starting our weekends, but before we get into things, I wanted to let you all know a very big decision I have made quite some time ago. After careful consideration, I am excited to let you all know that I am retiring today on July 2nd, 2021 as your Head Administrator. 

I want to take this opportunity to express how grateful I am to each one of my team members and the community for believing in me and the Skyrim Romance Modding Community for so long. I am so grateful to have a team that has done a fantastic job protecting, guiding, and giving the community a wonderful and safe environment. Some of you I’ve known for years and some of you we’ve only become new friends. I’ve been blessed to have such a great team and the friendships I’ve developed here over the many years. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for continuing to watch the community in my absence.

Additionally, I am so grateful to my community for all their love and support. I will always keep you all, my team members and community members alike, dear in my heart for the rest of my life. I have been the Head Administrator of it for a total of eight years. I have grown up alongside the community and I have led the team for most of my young adult life. I have learned the greatest of life lessons during my time as the Head Administrator. I would have never experienced these things if it was not for this responsibility that was placed in my life. 

Today is my last day and then I will no longer be involved in any decision making, I will only have access to information if the new Head Administrator seeks my counsel, and I will no longer have access to the official business channels we have. After I have served in that new role for a period of time I decide, I will be taking on another new role as “Founder” of the community. That role will be similar to the “Retired Staff” role we have, meaning it will have all of the same functions and permissions. My plan is to continue paying for our website and I will remain as an Administrator there. I will only be there for technical maintenance purposes and so I can continue to promote Raven of the Reach (ROTR) there. The website is already set up for future modders to promote their work, build a fanbase, and there are many new ideas to help further that mission of fostering modding talent across the world. Finally, the new Head Administrator will receive ownership of all our SRMC social media outlets and Discord servers.

I want to also inform you that Eboni will be stepping down as your Server Manager. She is going to be joining me with promoting ROTR and being more focused on our social media. She has been such a great Server Manager and has done so many great things for the community for all these years. She’s been my personal assistant and close friend and I’m really looking forward to our time together focusing on ROTR going forward.

To give you some understanding of how much thought and preparation I have put into this, my plans to step down eventually were made a few years after I made the Skyrim Romance mod and appointed my Co-Administrator, Tyroscribe.  She has been an excellent, intelligent, and strong partner all these years.  She is one of my best and closest friends I have had the pleasure to serve alongside, and I’m happy to see her now become the Head Administrator of the Skyrim Romance Modding Community.  She has served a total of five years by my side and, as you know, she has developed her own massive mod project (Casavir Romance). As some of you may also know, she has obtained her Masters in English degree, pursued her own career, and become a professor in her time serving as my Co-Administrator.  She is truly a worthy and talented woman who will lead the community with steadfast loyalty, dedication, love, and patience.  I am confident I am leaving you all in the best and loving hands to ensure the community’s growth and thriving fan base continues. As I know you will, please continue to support her and help her with this wonderful home of ours!

As another step in my preparation, I made a decision a while ago that I was finished with the Skyrim Romance mod. I made the choice to hand it to Iris and her team. As such, they will continue their work on that mod in terms of any expansions, including the Skyrim Romance DLC.  I am really grateful that Iris has continued her great work on such an exciting new expansion for the Skyrim Romance mod!  I am also so appreciative of River’s continued generous voice acting for our favorite ranger, Bishop. This exciting project will be yet another gem for the community.  

In closing, our main community activities, updates, and communication will continue to be on the main SRMC Discord and website. I’ll still remain very much a part of the community and look forward to more free time to spend with it as I take a long vacation to enjoy my new found freedom, develop ROTR and function in my new role as TyroScribe’s Advisor.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Again, thank you all so much for being the best community and team anyone could have asked for. I am beyond lucky to have had you with me for so long! <3

With All My Love Always,


A special letter from Tyroscribe

Good day, everyone!

TyroScribe here. I am delighted to be speaking with you all at this time and I am thrilled to be your new Head Administrator starting today. I am tremendously heartened by Mara’s lovely words to me. I know you all stand with me in wishing her an amazing future, which she is sure to have, both personally and with her Raven of the Reach mod. It has been my distinct honor to serve by her side for so many years. She is an inspiration to me and everyone else. She truly deserves this new chapter. I have learned so much from working with her and they are lessons I will carry with me for the rest of my life. We’ve taken all the arrows this world has to offer and yet we still stand, together and stronger than ever. She is a brilliant, kind, and strong woman. I know whatever she chooses to do, she will do with goodness, excellence, and the beautiful character I know she has. Godspeed, Mara, and let the stars guide your path always.

As for our community, I want to assure each and every one of you that I remain dedicated, as I always have been, to providing a safe, fun, and welcoming environment for all. Whether you’re a longtime member, someone who has just joined, or someone who has just discovered us, you are important to me. I will always do my best to make sure to keep the spirit of our community alive and to help our mods prosper, both the current stable of them we have and the new ones down the road that are sure to enter our umbrella. With the aid of my wonderful, devoted team who I am so appreciative of, we will maintain the legacy Mara began when she established this home for us so many years ago. I am very excited about the beautiful romances we will be able to bring to you and so many other players around the world.

In closing, I wish to say thank you all so much for continuing to be an amazing community of friends, lovers of romance, and people. I am deeply honored to be your new leader and I know together, our future is bright and promising. Let us begin that journey today!