Dearest SRM Fans,

Work involved with Forbidden Love and it’s teams have been put to a halt. Yesterday morning, the beloved voice of Cael and lead writer of the Forbidden Love mod, Christian Gaughf, was told by medical staff that he had a possibly cancerous tumor on his kidney. The surgery for its removal is scheduled for December.

As he displays no symptoms of kidney cancer, there are high hopes for a speedy recovery with no further complications. However, being one of the team leaders and the backbone of the Forbidden Love mod, it was decided that during this time it is best for everyone to step back from mod work and send love his way until this issue has passed and Chris is ready to return to us.

We at SRM are grateful for all the support and love our community has brought us so far, and hope you will stick by us as Christian and the rest of us deal with this difficult time. If you have words of love to send to Chris, you may contact him on Discord at Christian#9886.

Endless thanks, the SRM Marketing Team.

Author & Cover Art: D.D.

Editor(s): [RG] Ashe